Spoiler for the hottest chapter in the history of My Hero Academia 368 Deku turns into One Punch Man!


My Hero Academia Chapter 368 Chapter 367 Spoiler: Deku uses 100% of the power of One For All to attack Shigara in a row! Is it time for the villains to lie down?

My Hero Academia Summary 367

Thanks to the support of his Stars and Stripes teammates, Deku made it to Shigara just in time. As soon as he landed, Deku’s eyes met the motionless heroes. Bakugou’s life and death is unknown. Deku was furious and lost his mind. Fortunately, with Mirio, he was able to calm down. Shigara, prepare to pay the price!

Details of the story chapters can be found in this article from Lag.vn:

Spoiler for My Hero Academia 367: Seeing Bakugou motionless, Deku went crazy!

Spoilers for my hero academia 368

my hero academia 368

The cover of this chapter is the invisible girl Hagak “appearing”, 100% naked. I don’t know if the author wants to compare the popularity of this chapter with the charm of Yuying, but this is definitely the most satisfying chapter of this year!

At the beginning of this chapter, Deku intends to go all out. Shigaraki was under control, and time was running out. A quick win would be the most logical option. Nana looked at Shigara and recognized her son. Some of the dialogue seems to be meant to “warm up” Deku.

In a story page, the second one comes up and says:

If you use my power, you need to beat him within 5 minutes. Otherwise it will be a disaster.

We’re not sure if Deku ever used it. The attack begins. Deku approached Shigaraki and delivered a powerful “One Punch Man” blow to the enemy’s abdomen. Although Shigara’s body was very defensive, it was still somewhat “broken” after that blow. Deku continued to attack. He smoothly combined his abilities and mashed Shigaraki like rice.

In the final stage, we learned that Deku is boosting 100% of the power of One For All. Thanks to his assistive device, he has reached the 120% mark. On the last page, Deku dealt a huge blow to Shigara!

Update: Based on the spoiler analysis, the way the author attacks and draws Deku in this chapter is very similar to Bakugo.

My hero academia 367 spoilers will be updated soon.

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my hero release time Academia 368

My hero academia episode 368 is scheduled to be released October 3, 2022. Lag.vn will update this post with spoilers soon.

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